1、Zongjin Li, Qing Pan, Yunzhu Xiao, Xingxing Fang, Ruoping Shi, Chunxiang Fu, Antoine Danchin,Conghui You#. Deciphering global gene expression and regulation strategy in Escherichia coli during carbon limitation. Microbial Biotechnology.
2、.Conghui You, Hiroyuki Okano, Sheng Hui, Zhongge Zhang, Minsu Kim, Carl W. Gunderson, Yiping Wang, Peter Lenz, Dalai Yan, Terence Hwa. Coordination of bacterial proteome with metabolism by cAMP signalling. Nature.
3、Rutger Hermsen*, Hiroyuki Okano*,Conghui You*, Nicole Werner, Terence Hwa. A growth-rate composition formula for the growth of bacteria on mixed substrates. Molecular Systems Biology.